New stuff.

I'm feeling a bit restless as I write this because I'm meant to be doing a dozen other things right now, most particularly arranging into some coherent form all my notes for a long project which I've been thinking about for the past (brief check) entirety of human history. However, I can also recognise that it's high time I put up some of the stuff I've been working on recently, because otherwise everyone in the world will get depressed, their marriages will collapse, their crops will fail, their cities will crumble to their very roots, leaving only the wind to howl through the mouldering precincts, intoning an ethereal 'WHY?'. All because of me. I can't have that on my conscience.
So, to wit, here are two new poems, 'The Lovers' and 'Counting Sheep', plus a story imaginatively titled Untitled Story, No. 4. I must say, I do feel like I've made some progress with these pieces and am largely satisfied with all of them - excepting Counting Sheep's title, which is rubbish. However, I can't think of a better one at the moment so ho and, indeed, hum. Oh yeah, if you look closely you'll also find a sample of some of the work I've been doing for M&C Saatchi over the last few months. More of that will be posted when the work itself has gone live. Now, go forth and sound the splendid trumpets of your passion. Or, to put it another way, have a nice day.

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