
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

Entries in O Brasil (45)


Best Brazilian T-Shirts, Continued.

I've just posted a follow-up to my original blog on the Best Brazilian T-Shirt slogans, which I first posted back in January 2014. In order that you don't miss them (because posting a follow-up doesn't update the blog to the top of the list for some reason), I'm re-posting the new ones here with a selection of my favourites from the old ones.

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Charivari Time.

Being a brief discourse upon the practice of SONICK PROTEST otherwise known as ROUGH MUSIC, PANELAÇO or CHIVARI, that was latterly revived in the PORTUGUESE COLONIES of BRAZIL born of a most UNGODLY CONTUMELY against their DULY APPOINTED MASTERS, accompanied by sundry philosophical disquisitions upon that most heathen abomination, DEMOCRACY.

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Valeu, Carnaval. 

So this is our last carnaval in Brazil, and I suppose that's made me think about it a bit more than usual. Only read on if you're ready to have your mind absolutely blown by the philosophical atom bombs that follow.  

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Living in Brazil, it never sits easy knowing that you're in a country where people are poorer than their first world counterparts, yet they invariably pay more for worse. But when, as happened today, someone who doesn't have much money gives you a remote-controlled car for your little boy that she could ill afford, and it's totally dead from the get-go, plus there's no way of taking it back because you know she will have bought it from the kind of shop where they don't do receipts, it's more than just difficult, it's heartbreaking. Heartbreaking and then, after a while, maddening. I've always been a bit of a bleeding heart liberal, but it's only since coming to Brazil that I've really come to despise global capitalism for the way it's designed to petrify the structures of inequality and foreclose the futures of those huddled masses made invisible by poverty or distance.


Street Magic.

The first time I saw an animal sacrifice was outside the cemetery by our old apartment. I used to go and walk there a lot, ostensibly to check out the crazy funeral art, but mostly, I think, to fool myself into thinking I was in the countryside. That's where I saw it.

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