Why This Website

It's pretty simple, really. I am out here in Brazil primarily so that I can write something long and hopefully saleable. But this takes time. And while I am getting on with that, I'm still writing other stuff, and thinking about writing, and getting affected by the world and doing all those other things which trigger thought and the urge to write nonsense blog entries.
There's also a lot of old material cluttering up my hard-drive and its metaphysical corollary, wot is otherwise known as my head. While I don't view this stuff as worth pursuing more seriously at present, I also don't want it hanging over my head while I’m trying to embark on new adventures. I've therefore decided to air it here in the humble hope that it will help to pass the odd half-hour.
So, to recap, the plan for this website is that it will act as a showcase for some of my new stuff, a repository for my old stuff and a place where I can come to talk about the things I've been doing or thinking about during the intervals when I'm not banging my face against a keyboard. I think this is called self-promotion and I am completely new to it, so please bear with me.

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