This is why I feel like shit, can't breathe, smell, taste, shake off my head-ache, or be bothered to do anything beyond the bare minimum.

(Direct google translation from Folha de São Paulo, 12.09.10:
São Paulo goes on alert due to low air humidity
The city of São Paulo is on alert due to the low relative humidity. At 16:25 on Sunday, the CGE (Center Emergency Management) of the prefecture reported moisture contents between 15 and 20%. Earlier this afternoon, the Municipal Civil Defense had already decreed a state of attention in the state capital.
Guarulhos airport has one of the worst hit, with 30º C and relative humidity of 15.5%.
Also according to the CGE, Monday (13th Sep) will be as dry and sunny as this Sunday. The maximum should reach 33º C and relative humidity will drop, once again, to within 15%.
The situation should only improve from the end of Tuesday (14th Sep) and fourth place (15th Sep), when a cold front will pass by the coast of São Paulo, increasing the relative humidity. The forecast is for isolated showers.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), indices of relative humidity below 30% classify as a state of attention, 20% to 12%, a state of alertness, and below 12% a state of alert. The main effects of low moisture are dry throat and eyes and breathing problems.
The agency also warns that the low humidity increases the chances of fire in grasslands and forests and asks people not to put fire in vacant lots and dry vegetation.
The recommendation of the Civil Defense is that people avoid outdoor activities and exposure to the sun between 10h and 17h and do not practice exercises between 11h and 15h. We recommend eating plenty of fluids to not have problems of dehydration.
I have never wanted it to rain so much.

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