The Twelve Blogs of Christmas.

I came up with the idea of twelve blogs in as many days on December 11th or thereabouts, because I knew that I was going to be the only person looking after our son and daughter for the two weeks between my wife going back to work and the holidays beginning. I figured there wasn’t going to be enough time for sustained work in between schlepping to and fro from my son’s day-care (in the thirty-five degree heat) and tending to my five month old daughter’s waking/feeding cycle. However, by grabbing an hour here or there, I hoped I would be able to keep a foot in the world beyond tummy time and bottle preparation. Plus I had a ton of half-finished documents in my blogs folder that I thought would supply me with more than enough material for twelve posts (not true, as it happens). Now, surveying the overall tenor of the twelve posts, it’s hard not to assume that living with me is the domestic equivalent of watching the Ring Cycle on DVD, on repeat, forever: death, homelessness, heartbreak and architecture, for god’s sake. But, of course, man cannot bear too much reality. Thankfully, for all those times when you can’t bear to think about all the heavy stuff anymore, there’s your wife and your kids and a crappy blockbuster or a terrible pun. Speaking of which, I’ve got some Christmas silliness to attend to. Adieu and god rest your merry chestnuts.
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