
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

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Sitting in a café this morning, waiting for my coffee and pão na chapa, I picked up a magazine called Veja. In the course of browsing through it I stumbled, quite at random, on three details that seemed to me, when taken cumulatively, to pinpoint the ongoing and pretty much blatant dominance of patriarchy within Brazilian society.

1. In the diary section, the author attributed a quote from a female model-cum-entrepreneur with the phrase 'said the blonde'.

2. Interview with a female photographer about her new show on feminine beauty in which the photos will draw inspiration from the work of four male writers (Jorge Amado, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Vinicius de Moraes and Nelson Rodrigues). 

3. An advert for a new apartment complex in which there would be not one, but two bedrooms for the live-in service (plus a whole room for hats) - see photo below.

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