
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

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That dog is suffering from fairly serious fashion ennui.In addition to compiling a list of my favourite Brazilan forenames, I've also recently taken to noting down my favourite Brazinglish t-shirt slogans. I think the reasons behind this phenomenon are fairly obvious: Brazil, like many other countries, is deeply enamoured of the US, yet it simultaneously possesses quite low levels of fluency in English. Therefore, when t-shirt designers try and borrow some of that elusive English glamour for their latest t-shirt design, it often backfires as direct translations of Brazilian Portuguese slang or approximations of cool American phraseology collapse under the weight of ersatz idiom. And of course, when this happens, most of the people wearing the t-shirts don't notice, which is kind of beautiful to behold. 

"It's smells like fashion."

“Insane Desires (I don’t care. I can do what I like.)”

“BABY” (on a sixty-five year old homeless woman)

“Crushing you will be a pleasure.” (on a five year-old boy)

"My heart belongs to my boyfriend." (I was hoping the back would say "The rest belongs to his cousin." But it didn't.)

“Keep those stripes tight.” (no idea)

"I wish I could record my dreams and watch you later."

"Spitfire. American Fighter Machines." (AMERICAN?)

Once again, I shall be updating this post from time to time as more sartorial revelations are borne in upon my witless eyes.

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