Your Grand Passion.

Here's another interesting thing. I know a fellow whose surname is Paixão. In Portuguese, anything with the suffix ~ão usually indicates something big (so a high-chair is a cadeirão, literally a big cadeira, or chair), just as ~inha usually refers to something small (garrafa is bottle, so a little bottle is a garrafinha). It occurred to me, then, that Paixão might mean 'big passion' and asked my friend as much. He said that is indeed what it means, and that it comes from the tradition observed in the state of Minas Gerais which holds that, if you have a son born on Good Friday, his surname, and the surname of all his offspring, should be Paixão - the passion. This is what happened to his grandfather: he was born into a family called Da Silva, but from the day of his birth he carried a different surname to the rest of them. Apparently, the tradition is not at all well-known outside Minas Gerais, so down here in secular São Paulo, everyone assumes my friend is boasting about how he's such a great lover-man with such a great big passion.
That last bit isn't true, I just made it up to create a punch-line for the story. I'm not sure how i feel about it. What do you think, does it work?

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