On Flaubert’s Beach.

Chesil Beach in Dorset. You have to imagine the parrot.I finally managed to post this last night at 2.37am having got started on it at midnight and my computer dying on me just as I finished formatting it. As a result, I thought it was going to appear with the date of the 23rd and therefore screw up my plan to get the remaining 3 blogs done by the 24th. My response to this eventuality was to write a long, splenetic, poorly reasoned and partially obscene rant about it really being the 22nd still. I clicked on post and it came up with the date of the 22nd, because it had managed to save a draft when the computer died before 2am here, which is before midnight GMT, hence it had the date I wanted. So, it appears that I'm still on track, seemingly, to get all 12 blogs done by the 24th, crappy stomach, wonderful family and last minute preparations permitting. All the best with all your stuff.