Micro-Theory 3: What the fuck's a rhythm stick?

More specifically, why should you hit me with it? Well, isn't a rhythm stick perhaps a metaphor for that feeling of release and euphoria you get when listening to music, especially rhythmical music? It's about the sense of gratitude you have to the composer or performer who makes you feel that marvellous freedom; it's about how exciting music is, how sexy and - critically - how universal, transcending frontiers physical and mental to twat us into ecstasy. After all, the lyrics take pains to point out that seemingly every person on earth has the capacity to hit Mr Dury with their particular stick - and he'll love them for it, just as we love him for bashing us. So the song is about music. But we shouldn't forget that it is also a wonderful, indirect tribute to the magical properties of language, because without all those wonderful rhymes ('In the wilds of Borneo, and the vineyards of Bordeaux', etc.), we wouldn't get the message. Bloody Clever Trevor...