
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

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I've just put up something new in the prose section. It's wildly satirical and breathtakingly topical, because, you know, I'm so down. The idea occurred to me this morning after my daughter handed me a copy of Five Children and It that she picked up in the school library. I hadn't really thought about Nesbitt's story since I was a kid (when I absolutely loved it) and, looking at the cover as an adult, it occurred to me how gross It looked and how funny it would be to invade the prelapsarian world of the kids, in which the Psammead is kind of malevolent but in a strictly PGA* way, and make him really foul and offensive and not remotely age-appropriate. The jump to make this weird, bad-tempered coastal animal into a UKIP politician was the work of a moment after I remembered Douglas Carswell's defection and bunged in the recent story about Kerry Smith and his pathetic politician's excuse for his disgusting behaviour

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