
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

Entries in São Paulo (8)


Charivari Time.

Being a brief discourse upon the practice of SONICK PROTEST otherwise known as ROUGH MUSIC, PANELAÇO or CHIVARI, that was latterly revived in the PORTUGUESE COLONIES of BRAZIL born of a most UNGODLY CONTUMELY against their DULY APPOINTED MASTERS, accompanied by sundry philosophical disquisitions upon that most heathen abomination, DEMOCRACY.

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Valeu, Carnaval. 

So this is our last carnaval in Brazil, and I suppose that's made me think about it a bit more than usual. Only read on if you're ready to have your mind absolutely blown by the philosophical atom bombs that follow.  

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Photoset: Beco do Aprendiz

Most visitors to São Paulo go to the Beco de Batman, a graffiti hub in the Vila Madalena neighbourhood. A lot of them miss Beco do Aprendiz, which is located close-by but is a lot harder to find. As you can see, however, it's well worth the effort.



Pax Brasilia.

Are the current protests the end of Brazil as we know it? And how did Brazil get into this state in the first place? I argue that one reason for the current anger might be a newfound ability to protest against decades, if not centuries, of rigidly demarcated social stratification resulting from a history that is, by contrast with other countries around the world, relatively unaffected by the traumas of war.

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Cidade Cinza.

All about graffiti in São Paulo. What it means, why it matters and the trailer for a new documentary on the subject.

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