
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

Entries in graffiti (4)


Photoset: Beco do Aprendiz

Most visitors to São Paulo go to the Beco de Batman, a graffiti hub in the Vila Madalena neighbourhood. A lot of them miss Beco do Aprendiz, which is located close-by but is a lot harder to find. As you can see, however, it's well worth the effort.



Street Magic.

The first time I saw an animal sacrifice was outside the cemetery by our old apartment. I used to go and walk there a lot, ostensibly to check out the crazy funeral art, but mostly, I think, to fool myself into thinking I was in the countryside. That's where I saw it.

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OSGEMEOS (the twins)

I often come back to this quote from an interview with superstar, São Paulo-based graffiti artists OSGEMEOS, which appeared in Trip magazine back in July 2013. It seems to me to be the best way of teleporting yourself into an understanding of how ordinary people live in São Paulo and how, against all odds, they find something magical in the rhythms of this vast, dirty, mind-assaulting city.

'Uma das coisas mais legais daqui é que não tem praia. Faz a gente pegar outros tipos de onda. E aprender a surfar nelas, todo dia.' ('One of the best things here is that there's no beach. That means people have to find other kinds of waves – and learn how to surf on them, everyday.')

Here's another photo of them from back in the day, before they got into graffiti and were among Brazil's first ever B-Boys, hanging out with all the rough kids at São Bento Metro and getting their auntie to add Nike swooshes to their trainers because they hadn't started selling real ones...


Cidade Cinza.

All about graffiti in São Paulo. What it means, why it matters and the trailer for a new documentary on the subject.

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