
Freelance writer. Bad poet. Based in São Paulo. More.

Entries in art (3)


Photoset: Beco do Aprendiz

Most visitors to São Paulo go to the Beco de Batman, a graffiti hub in the Vila Madalena neighbourhood. A lot of them miss Beco do Aprendiz, which is located close-by but is a lot harder to find. As you can see, however, it's well worth the effort.



Cidade Cinza.

All about graffiti in São Paulo. What it means, why it matters and the trailer for a new documentary on the subject.

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Isso não é poesia.

This graffiti keeps popping up around my neighbourhood. At first, there were only a couple of them, including one really beautiful image of a girl with her hand down her pants (it’s OK, it’s art.) That one’s gone now, replaced at first by some flyers and then another less successful painting by the same artist or group.

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